
Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme

Department Of Health And Ageing

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About Us

Provides information on the Pharmaceutical Benefits Schedule, PBS regulations, the PBS safety net, patient charges and eligibility for the PBS.

The PBS Schedule lists all of the medicines available to be dispensed to patients at a Government-subsidised price. The Schedule is part of the wider Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme managed by the Department of Health and administered by Department of Human Services.

This schedule is now on-line and updated on a monthly basis. This on-line searchable version contains:

  • All of the drugs listed on the PBS
  • Information on the conditions of use for the prescribing of PBS medicines
  • Detailed consumer information for medicines that have been prescribed by your doctor or dentist;
  • What you can expect to pay for medicines.

The PBS has been in existence since 1948 and is governed by the National Health Act 1953 (Commonwealth).

Who is eligible for the PBS?

The Scheme is available to all Australian residents who hold a current Medicare card.

Overseas visitors from countries with which Australia has a Reciprocal Health Care Agreement  (RHCA) are also eligible to access the Scheme. Australia currently has RHCAs with the United Kingdom, Ireland, New Zealand, Malta, Italy, Sweden, the Netherlands, Finland, Norway, Belgium and Slovenia.

Quick Facts About The Region

Department Of Health And Ageing is located in the suburbs of Phillip and Woden Valley, the council of Canberra and the federal electorate of Canberra.