Outdoor Recreation and Leisure

Kingston Organic Community Garden

Canberra Baptist Church

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About Us

The Kingston Organic Community Garden (KOCG) is located on the former tennis courts of the Currie Crescent property, and provides nearby residents with an opportunity to participate in organic gardening activities. It provides a free space where people meet and interact, get to know one another and share their wisdom and insights about gardening — and life in general!

The Canberra Baptist Church (CBC) stresses that this is a community garden – not an exclusive church garden. All people from the community are welcome and valued regardless of their creed, lifestyle or any other defining characteristic. The garden membership is inclusive, welcoming and committed to fairness and justice.

There is no message or motive behind the garden other than the garden itself, for it embodies the church’s concern to care for the earth, to share with others and to experience the wonder of things that grow. While the CBC believes the garden is an intrinsically worthwhile initiative because of the produce that results, even more important are the relationships between the people who are involved.

Currently, the garden’s highly diverse membership exceeds 90 people. Through a range of activities, the KOCG promotes community cohesion and demonstrates principles of environmental sustainability. For example, the garden provides ten ‘communal plots’, enabling members to share both the benefits and burdens of looking after a plot with others. Communal plot produce is divided; 50% for the contributing gardeners, 50% shared with refugee families. we love to have volunteers join us. Meet at the garden on Saturday, Tuesday and Friday mornings, from 8.30am in summer and 9am in winter.

In total, the garden comprises 59 individual plots, providing over 265 square metres of cultivating area. It has both a town water supply and a rainwater supply, through the use of a 25,000 litre tank, and features a shed, a shade house and compost bins.

Quick Facts About The Region

Canberra Baptist Church is located in the suburbs of Canberra Central and Kingston, the council of Canberra and the federal electorate of Canberra.