Acute and Specialists Care

Mental health service

Mental Health, Alcohol & Other Drugs

South West Hospital and Health Service

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About Us

Mental Health and Alcohol & Other Drugs Services

Referrals may be from GP, local Hospital or Health Clinic, other service provider, family/carers or self

Services include Intake/Triage, Older Person’s and Perinatal Psychiatry, Child & Youth Psychiatry, Case Management. Assessment and treatment options for people with Drug and Alcohol issues. Referral to other agencies for ongoing care and/or support. Services are provided in Roma, Charleville, St George and surrounding districts.

There is a 24hour crisis phone service on 1300 MHCALL (1300 648855) which goes to the nearest service and afterhours and weekends the call diverts to Toowoomba Acute Care Team.



Social and Emotional Health Team provides Social Work services to the Western Sector for South West including Charleville and Cunnamulla and surrounding communities.

Referral is through the GP, local Hospital or Health Clinic, other service provider, family/carers or self

Services include support for social and emotional health issues, grief and trauma support, advocacy, referral to other services and support to link with other services.



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Quick Facts About The Region

Cunnamulla Multipurpose Health Service is located in the suburb of Cunnamulla, the council of Paroo, the state electorate of Warrego and the federal electorate of Maranoa.