Community Health & Medical

Ishar Multicultural Women's Health Services Inc.


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About Us

Ishar is the only Women’s Health Centre specifically addressing the needs of women from CaLD backgrounds. Ishar operates on the ‘social model of health’ in which the presenting ‘medical’ condition is not separated from the interconnections of personal, social, economic, cultural, age and gender related problems. Ishar provides approximately 50,000 contact services for approximately 1800 women from 100 ethnicities annually. Ishar operates from the position that women are the centre of the family, if the mother is empowered this has a systemic effect on the family and community. 

Ishar currently operates a clinical health service offering a female GP providing a range of preventative reproductive health services; a registered nurse/midwife assisting women through their pregnancy/ies in Australia; three clinical psychologists specialising in domestic and family violence and addressing other mental health issues, two social workers and a dedicated domestic violence support officer assisting with domestic violence, mental health issues as well as practical support.

Ishar offers Family Support, providing information on health, nutrition, parenting, relationships, employment and other topics raised by participants, held together within a social environment built around sewing / dressmaking classes. Carer services focuses on support for carers of adults with mental health problems, providing one-on-one counselling support, group socialisation, information and activities, group outings and respite.