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Visit the Wollongong Community Directory

Otford, New South Wales

Upcoming Events in Wollongong

Otford image

A small town in the Hacking River Valley, Otford is thought to be named after a village in West Kent, England. It lies approximately 37 kilometres north of Wollongong and 58 kilometres south of Sydney. Major features of this area include the Royal National Park, Garawarra State Conservation Area and Colliery Dam. Its a short distance from Otford to the Bald Hill Lookout and Sea Cliff Bridge. Be sure to visit the Otford Farm Horse Ridding, which has been in the community for nearly over 60 years. Then enjoy the famous Otford Apple Pie Shop known as the Otford Pantry (Only open Weekends) where visitors can lie on the grass in the sunshine and enjoy their purchases.

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