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Elliott, Northern Territory

Upcoming Events in Barkly

Elliott image

On a drive down the Stuart Highway between Darwin and Alice Springs, you’ll find the humble township of Elliot at the halfway point. Elliott, 250 kilometres north of Tennant Creek, is the Barkly region’s second-largest town. The traditional name for the town of Elliott is Kulumindini, and the lands around Elliott lie across the important Dreaming tracks of the Emu and the Sun. Fascinatingly, the rocks that have been found here are some of the oldest recorded in Central Australia. In the Elliot township, travellers who want to stretch their legs can check out the educational Aboriginal history walk through the Jim Rennie Memorial Park, and the 9-hole golf course! Perhaps the most popular recreational activity in Elliot is the nearby Lake Woods, a popular location for water sports, and an important breeding ground for many inland bird species. A fuel station, supplies and basic accommodation including powered and non-powered sites are available in Elliot.

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