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Fitzroy Island, Queensland

Fitzroy Island image

Fitzroy Island is located near Cairns in Tropical North Queensland and is popular for daytrips due to its proximity to the coast. Fitzroy Island is a national park island with a small portion occupied by Fitzroy Island Resort. Fitzroy has a steep mountain and two main walking trails that lead to beautiful lookouts. Sheoak, Indian Beech, Native Nutmeg, Tamarinds and Turpentine as well as native orchids are just a few examples of the exotic flora you'll find on bushwalks through the island. Try the Secret Garden Walk for a short walk amongst the rainforest, or the Lighthouse and Summit Trail for a steep walk to the lighthouse for expansive views out to Little Fitzroy Island. Fitzroy is almost completely surrounded by coral reef, making it an excellent place for snorkelling. The most popular spot is Nudey Beach, which is only about one kilometre from the resort.

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