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Prairie, Queensland

Prairie image

Prairie is a small township to the east of Hughenden in Queensland's Flinders Shire in the great North West. The township has a history as an old Cobb and Co depot and is serviced by an authentic Aussie hotel providing food and accommodation. The Prairie Hotel is a must-see for its collection of stockmen's hats and other memorabilia. The name Prairie would seem to be derived from the 'prairie-like' setting. The explorer William Landsborough passed through this area in 1862. He camped by Jardine Creek (named after the explorer Alexander Jardine), viewed Jardine Valley and named Tower Hill. The earliest occupants were the Dalleburra tribe and then came the settlers. Many sheep and cattle properties were developed around the area and helped the town to progress. 57 kilometres south of Prairie is Kooroorinya Falls Nature Reserve for those wishing to enjoy a natural waterhole. Kooroorinya offers swimming, bush walking, fishing and bird watching.

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