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Visit the North Burnett Community Directory

Mulgildie, Queensland

Upcoming Events in North Burnett

Mulgildie image

Mulgildie is a rural village in the Upper Burnett district, 120 kilometres west of Bundaberg city and 10 kilometres south of Monto. Mulgildie has a very active hotel, a grocer, a primary school and a sawmill. The legend of the Mulgildie bunyip has lived long in Australian history. Elders and long-time cattlemen have told of bubbling water, disappearing cattle and eerie sensations throughout the generations. The Bunyip hole is a still pool blanketed with green slime and largely remains silent except for the occasional buzz of birds and flies. Known to bubble and gurgle, some Aboriginal elders believe the hole is connected to a network of underground waterways. On the side of the highway, as you enter Mulgildie, a tall statue of the famed bunyip stands on the side of the highway. He looks like a cross between a crocodile and a small dinosaur, and he's the creation of Brett Benecke. The bunyip statue, which holds a cow's skull in one arm and a lungfish in the other, is made of 6mm plate mild steel and took 18 months to construct.

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