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Visit the Rockhampton Community Directory

Wycarbah, Queensland

Wycarbah image

Without its main attraction, Wycarbah, to the south-west of Rockhampton, would be bypassed by most. This little town is located about 25 minute drive from Gracemere. However, as a result of an ancient lava flow, a great collection of rather ordinary looking rocks (on the outside) have congregated at a place nearby called Mt Hay. On the outside, fairly basic rocks, but on the inside, a splash of amazing beauty. They are called 'thunder eggs'. And whilst they were formed 118 million years ago, should you find one, you get to keep it. This is the Mt Hay Thunder Egg Park. Another surprise in store is at the Mt Hay Pewter Factory, where you'll see the whole process, from molten pewter to the finished product. Call into the local. It is a pub with character. Help the 'swaggie' escape. For years, he's been trying to find a safe passage out of the pub.

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