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The Summit, Queensland

Upcoming Events in Stanthorpe

The Summit image

The Granite Belt village of The Summit, located off the New England Highway between Dalveen and Applethorpe (to the north of Stanthorpe) is so called due to its elevated position at more than 900 metres above sea level. The Summit is home to roadside fruit stalls, Queensland's highest railway station, the Granite Belt Maze and Law Dogs (which the kids and the big kids will love!). The area also produces many varieties of wine and liqueurs and many specialty products. The fruit and vegetable stalls operate most of the year with local stone fruit, berries and apples available in summer, autumn and the end of spring and a great supply of most vegetables to be found in summer, autumn and spring and select vegetables such as broccoli, brussel sprouts and cauliflower, leeks mushrooms grown year round.

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