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Visit the West Tamar Community Directory

Greens Beach, Tasmania

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Greens Beach image

Approximately 60 kilometres (37 miles) north-west of Launceston and at the mouth of the Tamar River lies Greens Beach, a take-off point for Narawntapu National Park. Narawntapu National Park has three access points at Bakers Beach, Badger Head and Greens Beach. The latter has to be the best reward for least effort; from the carpark it is an easy 270 metre (295 yard) walk to the West Head lookout for spectacular clifftop views along Badger Head beach and beyond westward as far as Table Cape and the Dial Ranges behind Ulverstone. Discover nearby Kelso Beach and enjoy a great spot for fishing. You can access Garden Island on Clarence Point, now a barren lookout point at the mouth of the Tamar River. It was excavated and backfilled towards the shore to improve the shipping channel in the river. There is good fishing here as well as a scenic lookout.

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