Add listings to My Community Directory by suggesting services, organisations, activities and groups in your community that keep you, your family and friends active and well. While you don’t have to add information in every category, please add as much information as you can. At a minimum, you need to add information into 2 boxes in any category such as name and address, or name and website.
Place for learning

Place for learning

such as language classes, Kumon, art schools

Place for arts and culture

Place for arts and culture

such as local art galleries, community groups, community theatre

Place for health care

Place for health care

such as pharmacies, physiotherapists, dieticians

Place for sport and recreation

Place for sport and recreation

such as local football clubs, yacht clubs, bowling clubs



such as churches, faith group meetings, RSL clubs, scout and guide groups

Your details

Your Details

If we are unable to get in touch with the organisation or require more information about them we may get in contact with you.

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