General Disability Services

About Us

Carpentaria is proud to partner with the Parenting Research Centre to facilitate MyTime in the Northern Territory. MyTime groups provide support for mothers, fathers, grandparents and anyone caring for a child with a disability or chronic medical condition. It’s a place for carers to unwind and talk about their experiences. It is a world away from appointments and therapy. 

MyTime members come from different backgrounds and their children have different abilities and needs. Through talking about their experiences, carers share their varied ways of reacting to and coping with their challenges. Members support each other and build relationships, which can lead to an increased sense of belonging and wellbeing.

Join us fortnightly (during term time) at Harry’s Place (1 Willeroo Street, Tiwi) and enjoy a relaxed environment where carers can socialise and share ideas with others who understand the rewards and intensity of caring for a child with additional needs.

Play helpers keep children busy and active and siblings are also welcome. Refreshments are provided.

Groups are open and inclusive of all families with diverse backgrounds and offer thoroughly researched material and community support.

Quick Facts About The Region

Carpentaria Disability Services is located in the suburb of Tiwi, the council of Darwin and the federal electorate of Solomon.