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buttonCherbourg is located off the Buyna Highway in the South Burnett region, very close to the dam wall of Bjelke-Petersen Dam. Cherbourg is home to a sizeable Aboriginal community and is the oldest and largest government settlement in Queensland. The town's main tribal groups are the 'Wakka Wakka' people and the 'gubbi gubbi' people. Cherbourg always welcomes visitors. Make your first stop the Cherbourg Tourist Centre - built on a hill overlooking Lake Barambah - there are pretty picnic and barbecue area overlooking the Lake and the centre sells a wide range of Aboriginal souvenirs, fine art and craft works. At the Ration Shed Museum you will have the opportunity to experience how life was and is in Cherbourg. Within the precinct you can view archival films, hear the stories of community elders and see photographic displays and old documents that relate to the lives and history of local people.