Aboriginal Health Services

Chronic Disease Management

Galangoor Duwulami Primary Healthcare

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About Us

Connecting you with the care you need. Coping with chronic disease and managing long-term illness can be difficult and stressful.

What is a chronic disease?

It is a disease or sickness you have lived with for a long time. Chronic diseases (or conditions) include diabetes, heart disease, kidney disease, lung (breathing) diseases, and cancer.

If you have been diagnosed with a Chronic Disease – Galangoor provides Integrated Team Care (ITC) in partnership with IUIH to coordinate care for clients with chronic conditions and complex needs.

What is Integrated Team Care?

Our ITC aims to improve health outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people with chronic health conditions, by assisting them to better understand and manage their condition and to access the health care and community services and aids they need.

ITC works closely with a range of service providers (internal and external) to ensure Galangoor clients will be supported across the full pathway of care their individual condition demands.

Our team can…

  • ?Assist clients to organise, attend and manage appointments.
  • Help clients access specialists or support services, which may not be available or easily accessible in the community.
  • Assist in arranging transport and accommodation.
  • Follow up with clients on their health plan.
  • Make home visits.
  • Get prescriptions filled and delivered.
  • Help clients to obtain ‘approved’ medical aids.
  • Advocate for clients to be able to access culturally appropriate services.

Who is eligible for our ITC program?

To be eligible for care coordination under our ITC program, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people must be registered for chronic disease management with Galangoor Duwalami Primary Healthcare, have a GP Management Plan (GPMP) and be referred to the program by their Galangoor GP.

What is a GPMP?

General Practitioner Management Plans (GPMP) are written by your doctor and take approximately 45 minutes to complete. They are a plan for you and your doctor to best manage your condition. They include referrals to specialist services and other health professionals and include any medical equipment or aids to support the management of your chronic health condition.

Quick Facts About The Region

Galangoor Duwulami Primary Health Care Service – Maryborough is located in the suburb of Maryborough, the council of Fraser Coast, the state electorate of Maryborough and the federal electorate of Wide Bay.