Child Youth & Family Health

School Health Checks

Galangoor Duwulami Primary Healthcare

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About Us

Prevention is even better than cure. We want to ensure our kids are healthy and stay that way. That’s why we think it’s important for all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children to have an annual 715 Health Check. Our school-based health checks play a key role in enabling us to get on top of any health concerns before they become a problem.

Galangoor’s Outreach Team conducts school health checks for students at Primary and Secondary schools throughout the Wide Bay. If your school is interested in being part of this program, please contact Galangoor Duwalami Healthcare and we will get back to you.

Quick Facts About The Region

Galangoor Duwulami Primary Health Care Service – Maryborough is located in the suburb of Maryborough, the council of Fraser Coast, the state electorate of Maryborough and the federal electorate of Wide Bay.