Allied Health

Social work service

About Us

Yarn with someone who understands. When you’re going through a difficult time or feeling overwhelmed and unable to cope, it’s important that you get help early. Galangoor’s Social and Emotional Wellbeing program provides an effective and culturally safe service for anyone struggling with mental and emotional health challenges.

Our social worker is a qualified professional who can provide information and encouragement, counselling, and practical assistance to help restore wellbeing, as well as referring clients to other relevant services or agencies for further support as needed. You can access assistance with a broad range of social, emotional, and psychological problems, such as:

  • Relationship issues
  • Grief and loss
  • Self-esteem and anxiety
  • Anger management
  • Trauma and abuse
  • Alcohol and drug abuse
  • Suicide and depression
  • Sexually, mentally, physically, and emotionally related issues

No doctor’s referral is needed, and the service is free to Galangoor Duwalami Healthcare patients. Most importantly everything is CONFIDENTIAL, your right to privacy is respected and always assured. Arranging to see the Social Worker is easy. Just talk to our reception staff or make an appointment at one of our clinics now.

Upcoming Events at Social Worker

Quick Facts About The Region

Galangoor Duwulami Primary Health Care Service – Maryborough is located in the suburb of Maryborough, the council of Fraser Coast, the state electorate of Maryborough and the federal electorate of Wide Bay.