Personal Development Activities

Weekly Mens Group - Robina

Complete Men


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About Us

Weekly Men's Groups offer support, growth, hope and direction to many men who are seeking answers to their current life dilemmas. When you think about it, men's groups have been around for thousands of years -  men have instinctively known how to talk and to sort out matters. Fathers and sons were connected strongly by a smaller less fluid society.

The industrial revolution changed all that. It took men and boys out of the village into the mines and factories. Fathers and sons lost connection within a few generations and the modelling of what it was to be a man. Technology and the economic circumstances of modern society are rapidly changing traditional male roles. Today we often find men are naturally confused and concerned about these changes.

Men have been sitting in circle down the millennia, listening to and speaking their story. This is a space that most men recognize intuitively as soon as they sit in circle. This space helps to lower the internal shields and armour that men have learnt to wear in modern day living. This is a chance to at last let down your guard and be more authentic.You might be having problems in your life that appear unsolvable. You might feel deep down that something’s not right, I’m missing something here.You might have a great marriage, career and kids but lately there is a niggling thought “Is this all there is?” 

So here's a chance to come along and check out what you could get from a men's group. What do you have to lose?

Upcoming Events at Weekly Mens Group - Robina