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Visit the Torres Community Directory

Horn, Queensland

Horn image

Horn Island is part of the Torres Strait Islands group at the tip of Cape York Peninsula, Australia's northernmost point. Located approximately 17 kilometres off Queensland's coast and just south of Papua New Guinea, Horn Island offers a truly remarkable island experience. Horn Island came to prominence during World War II when it suffered eight Japanese air raids. Today the island has a small population of approximately 650 people, with a focus on pearling and fishing. Horn Island is home to the only airport in the Torres Strait Island group, as most of the other inhabited islands only have an airstrip. Make sure to visit the museum and art gallery in the small town of Wasaga. And be sure not to miss some of the historic World War II sites on one of the tours that operate on the island. Horn Island is a lovely island to experience the exciting fusion of Melanesian and Australian Aboriginal cultures. But make sure to get permission from the Torres Strait Regional Authority if you plan to visit any of the other islands (except for Thursday Island).

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