Fitness Activities

Better Health Program

Mend Australia Pty Ltd

Better Health Program Logo

Beeliar WA 6164

1300 822 953



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About Us

The Better Health Program is a fun program for children aged 7-13 years who are above their healthy weight and their parents and carers.

What is the Better Health Program?
The Better Health Program is a fun, interactive 10 week healthy lifestyle program for families. In a supportive and friendly environment, the program covers information about healthy eating and includes an hour of physical activity at every session! Sessions run twice a week, for 2 hours.

Children build confidence, boost self-esteem and get fit playing fun games, while parents learn new skills to ensure their children are fit and healthy.
The best part about the program is that it’s FREE!

Programs run every school term at various locations across Perth. Contact us to find your local program!

Call us: 1300 822 953
Text us: 0409 745 645
Message us: Better Health Company

Quick Facts About The Region

Better Health Program is located in the suburb of Beeliar, the council of Cockburn and the federal electorate of Fremantle.