Outdoor Recreation and Leisure

Walking Football (soccer)

Northern NSW Football

Walking Football (soccer) Logo

We may have volunteer positions available for the right person. Contact us to discuss

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About Us

Does the following sound like you or someone you know?
Over the age of 50. 
Loves playing football but finds it too hard on the body these days.
Been keen to try football (soccer) but think you are over the hill. 

It is a low-impact, social version of football (soccer) that focuses on passing rather than speed/running. The game is flexible with its formats and accessible to the community and prospective players, whilst highlighting the health, well-being and social benefits of regular exercise activities for older people.

What to wear: Comfortable clothing and joggers/sneakers/sandshoes

To register now or find out more, 
Visit https://northernnswfootball.com.au/walking-football/ 
Or contact Project Officer Michelle Forbes on 02 4941 7200




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Quick Facts About The Region

Northern NSW Football is located in the suburb of Speers Point, the council of Lake Macquarie and the federal electorate of Shortland.