Child (and Parent) Information & Counselling
Counselling and Family Support
Hope Community Services

About Us
Hope Community Services is a values based organisation, committed to supporting people whose lives are affected directly or indirectly by alcohol and other drug use and social exclusion. Hope Community Services has been a presence in the community of Western Australia since 1902. Services operate from both the Perth metropolitan area and in regional Western Australia.
The way people use drugs and alcohol can affect everyone. Understanding what happens for individuals, families and communities that are impacted by the misuse/abuse of alcohol and drugs is important.
For a more comprehensive description of services available please access our website:
Services include:
Counselling, adult drug and alcohol residential rehabilitation, harm minimization, youth outreach, education, prevention, and referral programs.
Services provided in the Perth metro area (Armadale) include counselling and education. Youth Outreach Street Van program provides prevention initiatives utilizing art, music and sport, and support for vulnerable street-present people in Northbridge and Armadale, as well as safe respite and care during large events and Leavers week.
The Youth Bail Options Program (YBOP) provides a safe and secure home environment for young people aged between 10 and 17 years who are currently on supervised bail. Young people are referred to the programs by the Department of Corrective Services when arrangements with suitable adults cannot be made. HCS provides supported accommodation and a life skills and educational program. Three additional YBOP houses operated by Hope Community Services are located in Geraldton (Midwest), Port Headland (Pilbara) and Kalgoorlie (Goldfields).
Target Groups
The services provide support for:
Young people and their families
Individuals seeking support for problems being experienced through their own alcohol and other drug use
Family members and significant others concerned about another’s alcohol and other drug issues
Individuals who have been identified by the Magistrates Court and are diverted for treatment with an opportunity to address alcohol and other drug issues.
In addition to self-referrals, Hope Community Services receives referrals from: Department Child Protection, Department Corrective Services, WA Diversion Program, allied health professionals, other non-government agencies and mental health services. Open: Counselling service available Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday & Friday. This service can be booked during office business hours. Fees: Fees are on a sliding scale according to a clients situation. Please enquire at reception
Quick Facts About The Region
Extra Information
Access Fee Contact us for details
Age Ranges All ages
Volunteer Notes
For information about volunteering with Hope Community Services please contact the office.
Alcohol Addiction, Counselling, Drug Addiction, Integrated Team Care, Outreach