Environmental Action & Conservation



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About Us

A free and easy to use website where you can send emails or letters to politicians and business leaders all over the world.An educational resource explaining the environmental issues, using words, images, maps, graphs, links, and offering solutions and a 'What you can do' section. A database allowing you to search for the contact details of thousands of politicians, business leaders, and environment groups by name, country or using keywords like water pollution; an archive of articles from newspapers and magazines on a large range of environmental issues; a search engine for the Information for Action website.An entertaining and educational quiz which tests your knowledge of the environmental issues. With heaps of entertaining jokes, cartoons and animations, it's great fun for all ages. A fun page where you can meet Dr Eco Freako, the Green Sower and the Grim Reaper, and see some clever cartoons. A website for kids between 5 and 10 years of age. Song lyrics, music video and free music downloads. A chemicals website containing information on thousands of chemicals, including their effects on the environment and the health of humans. Green Ideas containing articles, tips on the environment and how you can help. Keep informed of all the latest news by joining and signing up for our newsletter, subscribe your group to our online database, and if you would like to help out, we are always looking for volunteers to make this site even better!

Humans are destroying a beautiful, living resource. Time is running out for the biodiversity of life that inhabits our planet and for our quality of life. We are dependent on the health of our planet and if it continues to decline, as it has done over the past century, then human health and wellbeing will decline as well. The window of opportunity for us to organise globally to create a sustainable society is open - but it is closing. The time to act is now!
The Information for Action website is a tool for internet activism or cyber activism. We invite you to make full use of all our resources to lobby politicians and business leaders. You can make a difference for the environmental issues you are concerned about. Choose from any of the following subjects: agriculture, air pollution, antibiotics, biodiversity, climate change, conservation, chemicals, consumption, corporate responsibility, development, eco-taxation, endangered species, fishing, food, forests, genetic engineering, greenhouse, global warming, globalisation, habitat, human health, land pollution, natural resources, nuclear energy, oceans, oil spills, ozone, pesticides, population growth, poverty, rainforest, road transport, salinity, seagrass, soil erosion, solar power, sustainability, trade, urbanisation, waste management, water pollution, wetlands, wind power, world debt, war and weapons.

Quick Facts About The Region

INFORMATION FOR ACTION INCORPORATED - Perth is located in the suburb of Perth, the council of Vincent and the federal electorate of Perth.